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We’re really sorry to hear this happened to you. Even though we’re glad you’re reaching out, it shouldn’t have to come to this.

Do you feel unsafe right now?

Please call the police (0900-8844). If it’s an emergency, call 112 immediately.Bel dan naar de politie (0900-8844), spoed? bel 112.

Need someone to talk to?

We’re here for you. If you’d like, you can share your contact details in the report form, and we’ll follow up to check in with you. Together, we can explore if connecting with organizations like Slachtofferhulp (Victim Support), Centrum Seksueel Geweld (the Center for Sexual Violence), or Veilig Thuis (Safe Home) would be helpful. At, we’re here for victims of street harassment, created by victims of street harassment. You’re not alone.

Report street harassment, because every report counts!